
Friday, November 8, 2013

From of Old

Have you ever thought about the fact that you know a God from old? (Of course I'm talking to those of you who know God as your personal savior, and if you don't, I would love to tell you how.)  

It is crazy to me to think that God's love, faithfulness, kindness, goodness...his very being has been around since...well...there was never really a time when it wasn't.  

Does that not blow your mind?  I mean, for reals, think about it.  

God has ALWAYS existed.  He has ALWAYS been around.  Before earth was created, it was just him.  Before anything that we have come to know, before history happened, there was God.  Gives a whole new meaning to 'from of old', right?

I'm not necessarily writing to make us dwell on how 'old' God is, but just the fact that he has been around since before we can imagine.  

So with that thought in mind, why wouldn't we trust his word, and his promises, and his love and goodness?  Honestly, this is a question more for myself than it is for anyone else.  Why do I struggle with trusting God?  Wouldn't he be the most trustworthy person ever? Ever, ever?  I mean, he is the author of everything I know, and don't know.  He was around before I came into being, and will still be around long after my bones dry up.  He is a 'know it all', literally.  His wisdom exceeds everything.  

So why do I struggle?

I mean, I know the answer.  I have a sin nature, and I hate it.  It makes me struggle.  And all I can do is remember verse 7 from above, and I know that the God from of old will do what he says.  

Do you struggle with trusting God?  I do.  A lot.  If I may, knowing God's age, or lack thereof, should be proof enough that he knows what he is doing and that we should trust him.  I seriously have to remind myself of this all. the. time.  

God loves us, ya'll, and desperately wants us to know his character and bestow his wisdom and goodness on us.

I know this post is a little random, but God just put this on my heart and I wanted to share.

Love ya'll!

Monday, November 4, 2013

The countdown begins...

In case you haven't noticed it's November!!!
That means I get to start counting down till Thanksgiving and Christmas!!
I lurve the holidays.  I mean lurrrvvee.  For reals.

I have already bought some new Christmas ornaments for our tree and even watched Elf one evening.  Lurve.

So this year, Mr. T and I are making Holiday goals/list - things that we want to make a point of doing as a family for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  (Rest assured that the movie 'Christmas Vacation' will be on that list.  Oh, cousin Eddie...) List coming soon.

Anyway, I wanted to share a few photos from a pumpkin farm we visited a couple weeks ago.  So much fun!

PS.  Follow me on instagram to see my 25 days of things I'm thankful for, starting today.